Attempt at Photorealism


I must admit that my first attempt at Photorealism was a
failure, but still I designed an Amby for pure love of the car. I chose the car, because it’s a cultural icon of India, it has been a part of our lives for more than 50 years. It was the car of choice for the Prime Ministers until Atal Bihari Vajpayee shifted to BMW 7 series for security reasons. Having said that, I don’t think many would have wanted to design one in a comp, they would rather do a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. The Hindustan Ambassador was originally based on a Moriss Oxford III, which came out in 1956. I happened to stumble upon a site that imported Ambassadors as classic retro cars in Britain. I dunno, the demand for an Amby in Britain, but the site had a few nice pics. I used a few as a guide to help me draw the ambassador and also for the shadow and glare effects.

I have attached a few pics of the work at various stages of completion. Hope you
guys like it.


Imran Parvez said...

Gawd !

Kiran said...


Thats really cool!

We want Moar!!

Megalomaniac said...

Thanks :)

Uttara said...

Ambassador. Noisy, Rusty, Dug Dug. Vernaiis.