3. McLaren F1 GTR: The Mclaren for almost 17 years was uncatchable, it was really in every sense faster than any bullets and a hell of a lot louder than any machine guns. The sexy driving position and the looks make it one of my favourite supercars. Is there anything in the world that could beat the McLaren?? There is one car in this list which can (Hint: Look at 1 :D).

Ah... Finally managed to write a blog in the last month of the sem......... Don't blame me for not writing blog entries blame my laziness!
*Note: The above title doesn't mean that the author of this blog has any interest in dying for a car that he so desperately wants. It is an expression to suggest to the reader how much the author of this blog loves cars. This in no way means the author is susceptible to commit suicide if you or your friends offer him a Lamborghini. Although he will change his decision if you or you friends offer to rename Ferrari S.p.A in his name.
Put pics of the cars, no?
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